Congratulations! You are about to begin one of the most exciting and fulfilling journeys that you can take as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. Whether you are new in the faith or a long-time believer, you may still be wondering what your place is in God’s church. The Bible teaches that every believer in Christ is a minister and has a ministry to perform. That includes you! You have been uniquely gifted with special talents and gifts that God desperately needs to complete His work on earth. It is true that others could do a similar work. They may lead out or be involved in various ministries. Yet the truth is no one can do it like you. Only you can be you with all your life experiences, personality traits, and passions. Without you being involved, God’s work will suffer a huge loss.
Ministry can be very exciting, but it can also be frustrating at times. We must be reminded each day of our great need of the Holy Spirit. Like the disciples in the first century, we too have little to offer on our own. We lack the skills, talents, and resources to do the work that God is calling us to do in these last days. Which is why we desperately need the power of God working in our midst. When the Holy Spirit is unleashed upon those who are willing to make a difference for God, the impossible begins to occur. What seemed unlikely now becomes a reality through the workings of God. So if you feel inadequate or weak, you need not to worry. Believe it or not you are in a good place! God works with the willing at heart. Trust God and move forward with Him. The Holy Spirit will be your guide and helper. Zechariah 4:6 reminds us, “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.”
Blessings upon all of God’s ministers!